
Saltlake DRISHTI Centre for Learning Disability    (033) 23372733 Reg.No: S/2L/58345

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+91 98362 32858

Other Services

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolore mque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo invent.
  • Books distribution for needy children
  • Training and counselling for needy children
  • Cloth distribution for poor people
  • Women development to void gender discrimination and to create a society with equal opportunity for all
  • Education in health, hygiene and sanitation of children and pregnant mother./li>

Early Intervention

At Drishti Early Intervention refers to natural observation of any child in a free environment for three consecutive days, 2hrs session. The child is allowed to choose to any task according to his/her free will. This also includes music or art work. These three days the only discipline that is asked of a child is posture at his defined work place and being as quiet as possible. After each session the child is appreciated on the basis of his/her abilities observed at work. Age appropriate rewards like cake, toy or pencil boxes are used as rewards.

Parent Counseling

Drishtiis not only serving the purpose of providing guidelines to individual parents, to effectively work with children at home but also personally looks into their economic, social, environmental, family limitation as well. Often parents have several problems related to daily life which is importantly shared at the counseling room personally, so that communication could be more compassionately handled with parents giving enough room to express their unique real life situations. After having the knowledge considered timings is offered by Drishti as per requirement. Moral support and keeping privacy has been core feature of counseling since ages. Drishti definitely takes care of both.

Behavior Modification

DRISHTI believes in natural law of life. Learning actually happens in life through love and affection with every individual. This works extremely well with challenged kids as experienced by Drishti. The process is simple. Drishti accepts their natural behavior as far as possible during training. Care givers at Drishti try not to disturb the natural ways of the students through use of firm discipline.Drishti believes each child is an artist, respects their ways and gives room for imagination. Children at Drishti thus feel at home during training. IEP that is individual education programme based on child interest is followed at teaching sessions. Children are given freedom regarding

choice of activity. Proper balance of love and firm conduct of caregivers are sincerely taken care of during training/teaching sessions to ensure less behavior disorders. Children are always kept busy at Drishti with various interesting tasks. Children mostly tend to misbehave in order to seek attention to fulfill their needs and it happens with many adults like us as well. This is a natural phenomenon. Thus in order to reduce behavior problems its best to keep children involved in constructive activities. Interesting tasks, audio-visuals along with variation in tasks are used to arouse child interest. Children with less ability to express their needs often show behavior problems. When their needs are misinterpreted and frustration level increases problems arise. Thus Drishti takes care of only a handful of children so that much more individual attention to finer needs of children can be taken care of promptly and effectively. Earlier their needs are identified during teachingsessions the better it is. Too many children can’t be humanly looked after at the same time by any care givers effectively. Behavior disorders can be predicted if child is attended to and it can be arresested and diverted through other activities before it occurs.

Functional Training

DRISHTI delivers functional training utilizing natural life situations effectively for example – during Tiffin – children are taught functional skills more - like opening boxes, wiping plates, arranging bowls, laying and folding napkins, pouring water etc in regular sessions under trained supervision. Adequate prompts both verbal and physical are used for children to develop better speed in acquiring the functional skills. Similarly tours, fairs, exhibitions are annually conducted in order to teach functional skills like bed making, distributing food , wrapping arrangingblankets, bathing, grooming, traveling in vans, laying sheets, effectively handling money etc.

Functional training is essential for life for every human being. These skills are extremely necessary. Functional training allows a child to move independently with reduced assistance and enables the child to independently reach out towards basic needs like toileting; feeding, etc. It also helps parents to rest for a while. Functional training includes Functional literacy as well. There are certain words we all need to read as we walk along the road and public places for life. Example children are trained to sight read, words like DANGER, TOILET, OPEN, CLOSE, EXIT, FIRE, IN, OUT. Functional skills are the pre- skills for self help in future life and also prepare a child for vocational training in later years.

Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.